Return of Unsigned Competition 2010

Calling all Bands, Singers and Acoustic Acts...
Unsigned is a competition designed to give up and coming local Bands the Chance to showcase their music to a wider audience and win a great prize and gigging opportunity. 
Through it we want to encourage local talent and help groups glorify God through their music. Come down to see the heats of the competition on - Saturday 8th of May Exodus Lisburn and Saturday 15th May Exodus Coleraine @8.45pm- and see who makes it to Summer Madness.

Sponsored by the new Music Matters Shop 20-22 Bradbury Place Belfast in association with Summer Madness and Exodus.

For more info on how to entre see

Summer Madness has got TALENT!

One of the highlights from last year was of course the introduction of our very own home spun talent contest. So get out those dancing shoes, tune up that guitar or practice whistling dixie while reciting the book of Deuteronomy - we want to hear from you once again. More details on the website over the coming weeks....

Top ten tops for organising your group at SM10

Whether you are coming to Madness for the first time or the 24th (yes it has been that long!!) you might want to remind yourself of why you do it - the value of setting aside some special time for God in our lives and the very clear impact that the residential experience can have on your group. This is a helpful wee article for those who are coming to camp for the full event, but even if you are considering the amazing value of the 'non-residential' tickets and even short week-end option (Friday - Sunday) check out these helpful pointers from some seasoned youth workers.

Ready made lesson plans and YOUR STORY on the web

SM and Exodus have put together a new website to encourage us all to think about the story of God's role in our lives. It's a really exciting way to explore our 'Dare to Share' theme this year - we've produced special leader's resources and are inviting you to make your own contribution to the site! It doesn't have to be a Speilberg production, it could even be done on your mobile phone or simply an email, but have a look at some of those 'we've done earlier' and come back and tell us your own tale of God's unexpected activity in your life.

Those that CAN - CAMP, and those that CAN'T - STAFF !

So you don't think you can face another night under canvas or cold sausages for breakfast & suddenly you feel 'too old' for Madness. Well, these may not be the most noble of motivations to join the SM staffing crew! - but if you couple this with a heart to serve others, a desire to give a little bit back and an ability to fill in some forms within the next fortnight then we might well have a match :-)
The SM staff teams are filling up very quickly and our rigorous vetting proceedures mean that the deadline to join up for staff this year is likely to be the 17th May. But don't leave it to the last minute, rally a few friends and get in touch with us now - through the website or give us a call anytime, we're not that scary really :-)

SM introduces: Free Stuff!

We are really excited to start the first of the introductions for this year’s mainstage worship. Alongside firm favourite Ryan Griffith - more from him in the next E-Zine - meet the latest addition to the team, Rend Collective Experiment! Rend, nice folk that they are, wanted to give you guys a head start and have made an exclusive Summer Madness version of their song "Movements" which is available as of today as a free download. And as if that wasn’t enough, they have also made a video teaching you how to play it, so you can jam along and sing it in your churches and youth groups. You can find all this plus free sheet music from!! Over the next few weeks Ryan and Rend will be providing the Summer Madness goers with exclusive access to some of their music so make sure to watch your inbox as they 'dare to share' the best of their creative endeavours


A new resource has been launched to help young people share their faith story and provide an opportunity to spread some Good News across the cyber world and beyond.

Tales of the Unexpected is an initiative to mobilise young people beyond the ‘big event’ mission mentality and into a lifestyle that embraces an open and authentic approach to friends and neighbours about their relationship with Christ.

The idea is really simple: we have approached several individuals to share their experiences through short video clips and invite others to submit their own stories – written, filmed or txted in to the site. It’s wonderfully encouraging to hear of how God is at work within our communities and personal lives. We have all got a story to tell and modern media can be a really powerful way of engaging with a very wide audience.

The plan is to grow – organically. Over the next weeks and months we will be adding new videos from around the Province and further afield and linking to still others. But we most especially wish to see everyone join in. The real point is to inspire young people – everyone to stand up and be counted, to reflect on their own faith journey, to gain a better grasp of what the Gospel is all about and to have the confidence to share that in appropriate ways and especially across the all pervasive world wide web.

The point is - to inspire you into action. We want to hear from YOU. Others will be encouraged and challenged when they hear your story.  Ultimately we want see more people drawn into their own encounter with God. As the site develops we hope that it can be a hub for faith-uplifting tales of God unexpected grace.

And we would like to be open to questions. We all have doubts and issues from time to time and often need to address other people’s questions as well. So we also intend to have section that will discuss blocks to faith or matters that some may find difficult to deal with.

So let this be the first step. The next time you’re online visit and connect with some of the stories there and then reflect on your own journey. You might even surprise yourself when you open up to what God is doing in your life.

Prepare to Dare

If you want to introduce your group to some aspects of this year's theme then look no further. Check out the resources prepared by Exodus guru Jose Cummings, and watch out for the forthcoming resources/links page.

Free - online

UCCF have developed an excellent site that addresses questions for seekers and sceptics who want to explore the message of Jesus with an open and adult mind. Check this one out..


If you want more information on any of these news updates, do feel free to call the office at any time! 02890673379
or email
....or check out the rest of the SM website