SM introduces: Free Stuff!

We are really excited to start the first of the introductions for this year’s mainstage worship. Alongside firm favourite Ryan Griffith - more from him in the next E-Zine - meet the latest addition to the team, Rend Collective Experiment! Rend, nice folk that they are, wanted to give you guys a head start and have made an exclusive Summer Madness version of their song "Movements" which is available as of today as a free download. And as if that wasn’t enough, they have also made a video teaching you how to play it, so you can jam along and sing it in your churches and youth groups. You can find all this plus free sheet music from!! Over the next few weeks Ryan and Rend will be providing the Summer Madness goers with exclusive access to some of their music so make sure to watch your inbox as they 'dare to share' the best of their creative endeavours

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