Traditionally we try to open up the Fesival on the Sunday to allow you to invite in family and friends - to sample some of the programme and join in with the praise and fellowship. This year we hope to extend this 'open day' policy, to provide free access to the evening mainstage as well. This will only be through special complimentary tickets that can be obtained by campers. THE POINT BEING: you get the chance to pray for your friends and invite them along for a day of Madness that might just change their lives.

Anyone who is a camper at Madness this year can request a complimentary ticket for Sunday and simply ask that they are used prayerfully. Throughout the 'Celebration of Hope' many of us learned the value of dedicating ourselves to praying for friends and family and providing some opportunities for individuals to experience the Gospel and a clear chance to respond. So it's that simple. But you do need to get in touch with the office and ask - because it is a commitment - on your part!
Call 02890673379.

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