The AWKWARD questions...

Summer Madness is known as a place where you can question, test and explore your faith and new ideas. Sometimes it may be difficult or controversial issues, sometimes the focus might be on really getting to grips with some really important aspects of faith.

This year we have a bit of a focus on questions that some non-Christians may want to ask. Stuff that they find hard to deal with, which holds them back from faith. And we have a specific session, just looking at the BIBLE and some of the harder passages or doctrines that may puzzle even a Bishop :-)

These two seminars (check out page 55&57 of the handbook) invite a great deal of audience participation and we'd like you to submit your questions - even before the event.

Here is a little form you can use to ask whatever you like - about the Bible or about difficulties/doubts that you (or your friends) may have..


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