Jasper change of email address

Hello to my contact list!

From 1st September my role has changed and I have joined an American organisation called Christ in Youth (CIY). This has been in the pipeline for some time and I am very happy to say that it is now finally happening. The partnership and friendship with Summer Madness and CIY is strong and we are excited about seeing work develop together in Republic of Ireland. 

I will be working with CIY 50% of my time and 50% of my time I will be continuing to help grow the work of Summer Madness. 

Further to my work in Republic of Ireland I will be helping CIY to develop a new work in Europe.

The e mail addresses to best reach me are:

My Church Army e mail address no longer works so please update your contact information and resend any e mail you may have sent over the past two weeks to one of the e mail address above.



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