COMMUNICATIONS Letter from the Vice Chairman: Dear OWASP Community,
Over the past number of months the Board of Directors has been working on the feedback received from the community. This feedback aligned with our key strategic goals for the year. One of our key goals was to further strengthen the "P" in OWASP. To this end we have been working with the Open Security Summit to put more of a focus on improving project development and growth and hope to enable projects through events such as this. Another goal is to strengthen our student outreach. One idea I had was to work with colleges all over the world to support our projects development as part of their internships. I wonder if there would be anyone in the community to assist in this effort by creating a Committee under the revised Committee 2.0 model - To simplify things I have added a quick start guide at the beginning of the document. Diversity is something that we hold dear to our hearts. There are a number of people in our community that have driven this initiative to enable OWASP to be a more diverse community, without naming any names, we would like to thank them and encourage more of those in and outside of the OWASP community to get involved and help OWASP grow. Last but not least, planning for our global conferences is well under way with OWASP Global AppSec Tel Aviv coming up at the end of May – one small ask is that everyone share information on this conference in your communities, Thanks for all your hard work. Owen Pendlebury OWASP Vice Chairman |
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